This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Community Cohesion and Conflict Resolution

This initiative was started in response to the challenge that John Dada is facing because of  post election violence,in the local community (in the Kafanchan area of Kaduna State, where Fantsuam Foundation is based).

Setting up this online space will provide a focus for sharing news of what is happening, and for gathering resources and knowledge. It is a first step in helping John to create a strategy to help reduce the local tensions. It may also gradually create an online community of interest to explore wider issues of  Community Cohesion and Conflict Resolution.

If you have relevant experience or resources or just wish to connect with this  initiative in some way (actively or just to observe) please contact us - please title your email "Community Cohesion and Conflict Resolution"

If you would like to make a donation to help with this humanitarian crisis and/or wish to support John and his team in their work to re build and bring together the two communities click on link Dadamac Foundation.