This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Feeding the Street Children - visibility

Known locally as the Almajirai Food Programme.Fantsuam Foundation is feeding approximately twenty street children.

The project is targeting the Muslim children who rely on begging at the local market.

The issue that the project is addressing

The children have been sent, often from distant villages, to gain a Koranic education.

They live with a Master, a Koranic scholar, and have to fend for themselves - although a space where they can sleep in his compound is provided.

The Objective(s) of this project

The children have been sent, often from distant villages, to gain a Koranic education.

They live with a Master, a Koranic scholar, and have to fend for themselves - although a space where they can sleep in his compound is provided. Because the master is not paid he is unable to feed the schildren who therefore resort to begging.

Fantsuam Foundation's vision for this project

The plight of these children was revealed at a Wednesday's UK-Nigeria online meeting in May 2010.

The Foundation's plan is to provide three meals each Friday for the children. Roughly 30kg of raw food is supplied each week.

Comfort and Mama Beji  liaise with the Master's wives and the children and decide on the menu. The four wives will then take it in turn to cook the meals. A typical menu might be:

  • Bean cakes and corn pap for breakfast
  • Tuwo and okro soup for lunch
  • Rice and bean for dinner

Dadamac is helping the project to be moe visible



