This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.
GlobalNet21 Learning Networks
(Written January 2013)
The initiators
Francis Sealey, Pamela McLean (me) and Steve Podmore.
The backstory
Francis is the founder of GlobalNet21 (GN21). Steve and I are good friends (we collaborated on Fast Tractor) and we are both members of GN21 (which is how we met). Dig into the history of any of us and you will find deep connections to education (formal and non-forma) plus concerns and practical action related to educational systems, life long learning needs, and deep systemic change.
The catalyst
In 2012 people in GN21 were asking for more follow up and involvement in the topics covered in the GN21 Meetups. As a result, the idea of GN21 study circles was born. Francis invited me to lead one around the topic of education. When I was planning the first session I explored some ideas with Steve. I had big ideas for rthe group, but he took the ideas even further and added structure. I perusaded him to come along the first meeting (a house group Meetup) to co-present it with me. Francis was there too, and he did an intial introduction, so all three of us were there together actively launching the group, and joining in as participants during the group discussions.
For details of the first meeting and follow-up discussions see The 21st Century – An Age of Informal Learning and Learning Networks
The ongoing story
I expect this will unfold on the GN21 meetups site
Future vision
Learning issues
More or less everything related to formal and non-formal education systems aand learning opportunites: UK, word-wide, online, offline, needs, ethos, delivery, content, finance, pedagogy, defintions, wider systems relating to education (impacting on it and impacted by it) ICT issues, knowledge creation and sharing, skills, training, communication, digital technology, access - details depend on the enrgy and specific interests emerging from inidviduals in the group.