This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Elaine and I met face to face at a British Computer Society local branch meeting. She was a committee member there and had contacted me online about it as it overlapped my interests in ICT use in Africa. Much later when she was back in Ireland we were in touch again and she volunteered to help Dadamac, as and when she had time.

Thanks to her input and enthusiasm Dadamac submitted a workshop idea to ICTD2010 which was accepted. She also offered to promote Dadamac to her Rotary contacts - which led us to the idea of having "Dadamac Ambassadors". You can see more about her interests by following the conversation for First Thursday August 2010, when she was our "Guest of Honour".

Associated Dadamac Initiatives: 

from their Dadamac profile