This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

From Official website:

" INSIDE is a programme implemented in Nigeria under the responsibilities of the National Planning Commission and through the services of a Consortium lead by the European Consultants Organization . The programme is funded by the European Union, also these website has been realized with support from the EU. However, the content s of the website are the sole responsibility of above mentioned consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. INSIDE is a challenging programme, focusing on capacitating Non State Actors in Nigeria operating in the following sectors: Peace and Security, Human Rights and Governance, Water and Sanitation and Environmental Protection and Climate Change. "

In April 2010 Fantsuam Foundation submitted a proposal

January 2011 3 members of FF staff in Kaduna received training from EU Inside on capacity building for NGOs.

from their Dadamac profile