This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Dadamac first met Kazanka Comfort online in 2002. She had been awarded the first Hafkin Prize for her work with women in Nigeria. It was through reading about that online that Dadamac first discovered Fantsuam Foundation (FF).

In the early days of FF Comfort went to Bangledesh to learn from Muhammad Yunus about micro-finance and the Gramean Bank. Back home again, with the financial help and combined wisdom of the FF board to help her, Comfort set about the task of establishing a micro-finance programme that would suit the local culture. This micro-finance programme is now well established and makes a profit which is used to benefit the community. Comfort is now employed full-time as the General Secretary of the micro-finance programme, overseeing all aspects of its work. She is also closely involved (often in a voluntary capacity) with most of the other programmes that happen under the umbrella of FF.

from their Dadamac profile