This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.
All Initiatives
Sickle Cell - visibility
ArchiveThis is a project overseen by John Dada and run by Fantsuam Foundation. The aim is to raise the awareness of this disease both locally and internationally. To...
Sickle Cell - visibility
ArchiveThis is a project overseen by John Dada and run by Fantsuam Foundation. The aim is to raise the awareness of this disease both locally and internationally. To...
Sickle Cell - visibility
ArchiveThis is a project overseen by John Dada and run by Fantsuam Foundation. The aim is to raise the awareness of this disease both locally and internationally. To...
Sickle Cell Disease some additional background info - visibility
ArchiveRaising Awareness and tackling Sickle Cell Disease in rural Nigeria At a Dadamac UK-Nigeria meeting at the end of 2009 John Dada raised the issue of the...
Supporting Yidnek ref Skype is Illegal in Ethiopia
ArchiveThis is not an initiative or project in the usual sense, but it is inlcuded here because it is the story of someone in our network. It also raises issues about...
Teachers Talking
ArchiveTeachers Talking (TT) is an introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for teachers in rural Africa. It is an inservice training course...
Teachers Talking
ArchiveTeachers Talking (TT) is an introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for teachers in rural Africa. It is an inservice training course...
Teachers Talking
ArchiveTeachers Talking (TT) is an introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for teachers in rural Africa. It is an inservice training course...
Teachers Talking
ArchiveTeachers Talking (TT) is an introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for teachers in rural Africa. It is an inservice training course...
Teachers Talking
ArchiveTeachers Talking (TT) is an introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for teachers in rural Africa. It is an inservice training course...
Training for the visually impaired (JAWS) - visibility
ArchiveJohn Dada oversees this project at Fantsuam Foundation. This is a fantastic initiative which will make the Fantsuam Academy courses accessible to the sight-...
Training for the visually impaired (JAWS) - visibility
ArchiveJohn Dada oversees this project at Fantsuam Foundation. This is a fantastic initiative which will make the Fantsuam Academy courses accessible to the sight-...
Training for the visually impaired (JAWS) - visibility
ArchiveJohn Dada oversees this project at Fantsuam Foundation. This is a fantastic initiative which will make the Fantsuam Academy courses accessible to the sight-...
UK-Nigeria weekly meetings
ArchiveDadamac UK-Nigeria team meetings are held on Skype, and are typed. They have a set agenda and last for one hour. You can read the unfolding story of all the...
UK-Nigeria weekly meetings
ArchiveDadamac UK-Nigeria team meetings are held on Skype, and are typed. They have a set agenda and last for one hour. You can read the unfolding story of all the...
UK-Nigeria weekly meetings
ArchiveDadamac UK-Nigeria team meetings are held on Skype, and are typed. They have a set agenda and last for one hour. You can read the unfolding story of all the...
Yoghurt Bull
ArchiveInspiration The inspiration was the example of the Danone's Social Business in Bangledesh, manufacturing affordable yoghurt for malnourished children. It is...
Yoghurt Bull
ArchiveInspiration The inspiration was the example of the Danone's Social Business in Bangledesh, manufacturing affordable yoghurt for malnourished children. It is...
Yoghurt Bull
ArchiveInspiration The inspiration was the example of the Danone's Social Business in Bangledesh, manufacturing affordable yoghurt for malnourished children. It is...
Yoghurt Bull
ArchiveInspiration The inspiration was the example of the Danone's Social Business in Bangledesh, manufacturing affordable yoghurt for malnourished children. It is...
Yoghurt Bull
ArchiveInspiration The inspiration was the example of the Danone's Social Business in Bangledesh, manufacturing affordable yoghurt for malnourished children. It is...
Zittnet - Rural Connectivity at Fantsuam
ArchiveDadamac could not have come into being without the Internet connectivity provided by Zittnet. Zittnet ("Appropriate power and ICTs for the developing world")...
Zittnet - Rural Connectivity at Fantsuam
ArchiveDadamac could not have come into being without the Internet connectivity provided by Zittnet. Zittnet ("Appropriate power and ICTs for the developing world")...
Zittnet - Rural Connectivity at Fantsuam
ArchiveDadamac could not have come into being without the Internet connectivity provided by Zittnet. Zittnet ("Appropriate power and ICTs for the developing world")...
Zittnet - Rural Connectivity at Fantsuam
ArchiveDadamac could not have come into being without the Internet connectivity provided by Zittnet. Zittnet ("Appropriate power and ICTs for the developing world")...