This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Launching our discussion forum

We have launched our discussion forum. Now it will be easy for people to join in discussions here. Now can gradually become an active online space for the growing Dadamac community.

To join in all you have to do is go to the discussion forum link choose the discussion topic that interests you and add any comments you like. You can reach the discussion forum link from any page; it is under the heading "get involved".

You will need to register with us before you can post comments. It should be straight forward from any of the discussion pages, but if you have any difficulty please email us - the system is new so there may still be some little glitches we need to know about. We want to make it a simple and friendly system, so please give us feedback.

The first time you add a comment it will be checked before it is published (moderated), but once you are a trusted contributor your contributions will go up straight away.

The first discussions are about;

  • Dadamac Day (previously the Teachers Talking anniversary celebration - now in its fifth year!)
  • Dadamac Foundation Volunteers
  • First Thursday meetings

There is also room to "Say Hello" and another place to start any new discussions you want.

We have no idea how qickly or slowly our friends (old and new) will start to drop in and write things, but we hope this is the start of a much easier way to share information and to help people in our network to meet each other.

Welcome! Enjoy!