This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about firstthursday

First Thursday - sharing the June archive

First Thursday is an online meeting that I hold once a month.I go online for an hour and some of my geograhically scattered friends and contacts drop by for a chat, and have the opportunity to meet each other - more about how "First Thursday" works It is a great opportunity to exchange information and knowledge from very different cultural perspectives (this month we have people from Nigeria, USA and UK). We have bandwidth constratints so we don't talk, we type. This means there is a typed archive by the end of the chat. I'm experimenting with ways of picking...

Ramadhan (Tanzania) on Poverty and Population Increasing

Message to Pamela and Dadamac community Thank you for your patrotism to invite us again to the meeting place for Dadamac's "First Thusday" meeting . POVERTY IN AFRICA AND INCREASING OF POPULATION Dear members as we are keeping on moving in threshold of the 21st Century , a Century that is characterizing by competition. It is clear, therefore, that this Century be a Century dominated by those with advanced technological capacity, high productivity, modern and efficient transport and communication infrastructure and, above all highly skilled manpower imbued with initiative. If we are to be active participants in global developments of...

Kafanchan Peace Market Traders launched

The weekly online UK-Nigeria meetings have been established in their present format for more than three years. However, following Nigeria’s terrible post-election violence, John this week identified a new and unexpected benefit of our regular sessions - explaining that the Dadamac meetings are “evolving into a balm, a tonic, a forum where Fantsuam Foundation can unburden ... a psycho-social element of our weekly meeting”. The rural community has been badly shaken by the attacks and, although the news reporters appear to have moved on, the real story is still unfolding. For example, how people from both sides of the religious...

Dadamac Digest - July 24th - August 10th

A quick catch up of what has been going on in the last couple of weeks - also published at Dadamac's Posterous (it's from my viewpoint so apologies for lots of paragraphs starting "I"). First Thursday Andrius had given me the software for the worknets chatroom but I have yet to find a server for it, so First Thursday has moved to Skype for now. The August session covered a lot, so I tried to share First Thursday August in some detail. First Thursdays are changing shape. For the first couple of years First Thursday was just "me at home...

Todays First Thursdays

This is our plan for Today's First Thursday. Informal chat before and after the main session. We can chat informally before and after our main session, but in the main session we will focus on some set topics. If people arrive during the main session then Nikki will greet them on behalf of all of us. Set topics for discussion. The set topics reflect the interests of people who said in advance that they hope to attend. These topics are:

First Thursday - aims and practicalities

Hi Vijay Welcome back. Thanks for your helpful feedback on your First Thursday experience. You raise many good points and I would like to address them all very seriously. I suggest that we take our time to explore them all in more detail, so in this post I will give an overall response and suggest some structure for our discussions. It seems we are in overall agreement: First Thursday has great potential There are still serious glitches to be overcome We need to clarify the aims We need to tackle the glitches Our emphasis should be about caring to find...

March FT- Kitchen Gardens and Jatropha

The First Thursday chat on March 4th at 12.00 GMT/UTC will focus on two of our permaculture interests - kitchen gardens and jatropha . The plan is that Marcus Simmons will join the chat as our permaculture adviser. One or more people from the Dadamac team in Nigeria will also chat. They will discuss what has been happening since Marcus's visit a few months ago. It is still very early days, so the discussion will be about first practical steps that have been taken (or are being planned) by the permaculture early adopters, and what else they need to know...

February First Thursday Feedback

Today's First Thursday meeting was a mixture of networking and discussing permaculture. It brought together people from Minciu Sodas, from the Video Bridge workshop and from the Dadamac Community in the UK and Nigeria. Topics mentioned included the possibility of practicing permaculture on a very small scale, the impact of permaculture, and if it was difficult to practice.

Farm Productivity, Permaculture and First Thursdays

Hi Vijay I am glad that you chose the article on "Pushing up Farm Productivity" to share with us. It looks as if several group interests are overlapping around the topic of food production, and eco-friendly solutions. I am very aware of approaches to food production and methods of growing things at present because Marcus Simmons is still sharing details of his recent trip to Africa. He was in Benin and Nigeria - and the main focus of his trip was permaculture. He went to Benin to learn more about permaculture as applied in West Africa, then went to share...

Hand Held Learning and Ago-Are, rural Nigeria.

Folabi (Fola) Sunday teaches in a primary school in rural Nigeria - a motor-cycle ride away from Ago-Are, in Oyo State. He is a Dadamac Self Directed Learner, who keeps in contact with the "connected community" through his phone, and joins in First Thursday chats whenever he can. Fola is currently learning more about ICT and solar energy from Ricardo and Graham (in the UK) and others in Minciu Sodas and Dadamac, through chats and emails. This post gives an introduction to Fola and his current concerns as discussed at the October First Thursday chat. He is working on a...
