This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

March FT- Kitchen Gardens and Jatropha

The First Thursday chat on March 4th at 12.00 GMT/UTC will focus on two of our permaculture interests - kitchen gardens and jatropha. The plan is that Marcus Simmons will join the chat as our permaculture adviser. One or more people from the Dadamac team in Nigeria will also chat. They will discuss what has been happening since Marcus's visit a few months ago. It is still very early days, so the discussion will be about first practical steps that have been taken (or are being planned) by the permaculture early adopters, and what else they need to know.

Down to earth

It will be very down to earth. How are the jatropha seedlings getting on? They are being carefully tended during the intense heat of the end of the dry season, waiting for the rains to come to give good conditions for planting out - but are they surviving okay? What of the kitchen garden ideas? What is the feedback on the keyhole gardening? Has anyone done any follow up on setting up a personal kitchen garden? What problems are people facing? What information is it useful to exchange?

Not just Nigeria

We will not just focus on Nigeria, I'm expecting some of the First Thursday regulars from other coutries to discuss their situations too, and newcomers will also be welcome.

Of course, the session may not go quite according to plan, but even if just one of us learns something new, or is encouraged to grow something we would not otherwise have tried, or makes a useful new connection, then our permaculture chat will have been a success.

Anyone with an interest in permaculture (or small steps towards it) is warmly welcomed to join in the discussion. Except for the mention of jatropha, most of the focus this session will be on small scale, individual initiatives - ideas to implement in small yards and gardens rather than allotments or farms.

News from Kenya

I am wondering if anyone in Kenya has come across this planting in sacks project I have just discovered. It would be intereting to know more - how people get involved, what training is needed etc. It looks like another good idea for small spaces.

Joining the "First Thursday" chat

Our chat is 12.00 UTC (Universal Standard Time). To check your local time see (NB - when using that link it may help to know that London time is currently the same as UTC). To enter the chat room go to

For full details of First Thursdays and how to join in see the February First Thursday notice If permaculture interests you then please add March 4th to your diary and/or invite others who would like to join us.

Pamela McLean
