This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about attachab

This week's news in brief

The topics covered in this week’s UK-Nigeria meeting ranged from solar power to maize with a bit of microfinance and minority languages thrown in for good measure! Following on from last week’s update about the visit from the Minnesota team (MRES) John Dada was able to give us the exciting news that some of the participants attending the solar workshop decided they would start a Kafanchan Solar Club, KSC. John will be helping the temporary officials of the KSC (Naomi ,Gabriel ) together with Kasang to send Dadamac UK a few sentences about and photos of the newly formed club...


During this week's online meeting John Dada was able to give the UK-Nigeria team an update about the Attachab Eco-Village project. Following the successful initial progress the French Embassy have just released the 2nd installment of their grant. John reported that the classroom / manager's residence is nearing completion as is the borehole. On Monday the construction of the overhead water tank and the installation of a solar pump are scheduled to commence. John explained that they are using compressed bricks work for the build. He also reported that as of today (Wednesday 30th November) there are over 20 young...

Kafanchan Peace Market Traders launched

The weekly online UK-Nigeria meetings have been established in their present format for more than three years. However, following Nigeria’s terrible post-election violence, John this week identified a new and unexpected benefit of our regular sessions - explaining that the Dadamac meetings are “evolving into a balm, a tonic, a forum where Fantsuam Foundation can unburden ... a psycho-social element of our weekly meeting”. The rural community has been badly shaken by the attacks and, although the news reporters appear to have moved on, the real story is still unfolding. For example, how people from both sides of the religious...

Getting back to Business

John joined this week’s online UK-Nigeria session from Abuja, where he was due to attend a number of meetings - the most significant of which from our point of view was with the French Embassy. At this, John was to discuss the promised support for Attachab . Meanwhile Kelechi and Chollom joined us from Fantsuam while the UK provided three participants, based in Leeds and London. We were pleased to hear there are reports of some semblance of normality returning to Kafanchan as people of all faiths were beginning to interact at the old and new market sites. John informed...

Vision and practicality at Attachab

This update from Frances was sent from rural Nigeria to the UK this morning. "Reubens, from the Congo, started work with some volunteers at Attachab this week. He has a vision of how Attachab will look that prefectly mirrors the dream that John Dada had, but so far did not know how to put into practice. In particular Reubens loves and appreciates trees and will do all he can to protect them or make use of them when they come to the end of their life. First of all Reubens has transported a large load of bamboo to the site...

Talking Tractors!

The talk was of tractors at this Wednesday’s weekly online meeting between the UK-Nigeria team. The tractor for Attachab has been much anticipated.Dadamac in the UK first heard about its possible arrival a month or so ago and we were wondering what the delay was. However, we were shocked and disappointed to learn that Fantsuam had in fact been waiting patiently for two years. It appears that Government procedures are delaying the delivery of the tractor. The scheme is meant to provide a new subsidised tractor. Fantsuam needing to pay 40% and the Government to pay 60% of the cost...

Building for the Future

Wednesday saw the second UK-Nigeria Skype meeting of 2011. However there was no gentle easing back into ‘work mode’ in the wake of the holidays! Already the Fantsuam team are quite literally building on their success of the previous 12 months. During the week Zittnet Network Administrator Chollom had Tweeted that the roof was being put on FF’s new AIDS/HIV building. John informed us that construction of the new laboratory has now been finished, complete with electricity supply. The next phase will be creating a borehole for the water supply plus sourcing furniture and equipment. The lab has been built...

Digging the reservoir

Digging the reservoir Originally uploaded by Attachab A welcome triple helping of good news ensured this week’s exchange of information at the UK-Nigeria online meeting maintained the usual high level of interest. First, John informed us that the work at the Attachab Eco-village is making exciting progress. Attachab has acquired a water pump and hose and was, at the time of the meeting, negotiating for a water tank in readiness for the dry season farming. While still on the subject of Attachab, a proposal has been sent to VSO to support the eco-village in its vision of training people with...

Training in Rural Nigeria

School in rural Nigeria Originally uploaded by Dadamac Community This week’s UK-Nigeria meeting returned to a theme which is at the heart of of all that Fantsuam Foundation does: namely education and training. This was reflected in most of the items which were on the agenda for discussion this week. First the team discussed the plans for the Eco-village at Attachab . Fantsuam is looking at the feasibility of involving students from the College of Education and the College of Agriculture from Samaru, a village some 35km from Kafanchan. These college students are required to have hands-on-experience in established farms...

Weekly update from Fantsuam

This week’s online meeting saw us pick up the threads of several topics we had discussed in previous weeks. Among the matters we examined were: Sickle Cell Disease: As previously mentioned, the screening programme for Sickle Cell amaong children under 6 years has halted temporarily. But it must have reached or at least be very close to the 6,000 target set by John Dada for his team. Fantsuam Foundation was recently visited by American Embassy staff and John reported that they seemed very impressed with the work. He is now waiting to hear if they are going to help support...
