This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Digging the reservoir

Digging the reservoir
Originally uploaded by Attachab

A welcome triple helping of good news ensured this week’s exchange of information at the UK-Nigeria online meeting maintained the usual high level of interest.

First, John informed us that the work at the Attachab Eco-village is making exciting progress. Attachab has acquired a water pump and hose and was, at the time of the meeting, negotiating for a water tank in readiness for the dry season farming.

While still on the subject of Attachab, a proposal has been sent to VSO to support the eco-village in its vision of training people with disabilities to help them work in agriculture. Jim, the current VSO guiding the local team, has posted some wonderful photos on Flickr which give a flavour of the work being done there and of what developments the future may hold.

In the second nugget of information, John let the team know that the floor of the new building at Unwan Masara is being constructed. This building will provide laboratory and research facilities and will tie in with Fantsuam Foundation’s Sickle Cell project.

Finally, we learned from Bala that progress had been made with the EGranary for the Knowledge Resource Centre. He went on to explain that the EGranary is a server that contains millions of resource documents. It’s meant to assist libraries and similar bodies which have no internet connection. The server will connect to FF’s local network. The EGranary facility is to be provided by the American Embassy in Abuja.

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