This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about Dadamac

A typical day in Dadamac

It's 7.45 am here in the UK so I'm a bit earlier that usual starting work, and thinking it might be interesting to make notes through the day. A "water cooler" moment. So far I've read a blog comment that Vijay wrote and responded to it. Then I went to check my emails. The chat box was open. It had a one-line message from Vijay - so I wrote a line back and he wrote one to me, and then we both went back to our tasks. it's the virtual equivalent of a smile and a wave, or a momentary...

Blogs I haven't written

You may have been directed to this blog because I want to give you background to an ongoing story. Well the truth is that I may not have written it yet. I'm trying to exchange a vicious circle for a virtuous one. In the vicious circle - here and now - I need to refer people (like you perhaps) to previous events or ideas that I haven't actually blogged about. In the virtuous circle every unfolding story is readily to hand (including the one specially for you). Hmm - How to make the flip over? The ideal solution My friend...

Week ending Dec 3rd

So much happening, so little time to write. Streaming Learning and Sharing Last Thursday, November 29th. Franz Nahrada held a skype planning meeting for the January video bridge, Streaming Learning and Sharing workshop . I was there with other participants. it was our first online meeting. Developing Technologies Friday, November 30th - Meeting with Femi Longe (Africa Plus Plus and New Ideas for Africa)and Ron Bridges ( www.developing ) at City University. That meeting ties in with our recycling plastic project. Tuttle Friday mornings is Tuttle club - so I called in on my way to the meeting...

Can Dadamac Become a Virtual Organisation?

Hi Pam, Some months ago, in one of your initial E-conversations with me, you gave me a detailed description about your plan and vision for Dadamac. We also talked about building a roadmap for the future. This week, as I was reading an interesting piece about the virtual organisation on the Economist website, it struck me that Dadamac probably has all the makings of becoming one. In the coming years, Dadamac will be driven primarily by mobile assets like people, knowledge and information. I call people mobile assets since those working for Dadamac (either as full time workers or consultants)...

Africa Gathering, Business Fights Poverty, and more

Things are getting very busy here, and it is hard to share it all as much as I would like to do. I hope that (once more of Dadamac's activities have "moved in" to this single online space that is ) life will get simpler and it will be easier for everyone to know what is going on. A couple of years ago I hardly ever went to any face to face events connected with my Dadamac interests (back before Dadamac developed out of Cawdnet). I simply worked away online - or went on working holidays to Africa. Now...

Planning Dadamac Day

This week we had the first planning and practice meeting for Dadamac Day (DD). The DD team, Chollom and Alheri (in Nigeria) and Nikki and Pam (in UK), e-met through one of Dadamac's usual typed Skype conferences. Date, time and place. The date and time are agreed -Saturday November 7th 10:00 GMT, 11:00 Nigerian time, 13:00 East Africa Time.

Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited - the Connection

We have been asked to explain the relationship between Dadamac Foundation and Dadamac Limited. It is causing some confusion for people who think it must be like the relationship between, for instance, Ford and the Ford Foundation or Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (i.e step one: become a great commercial success; step two: share the resulting financial wealth through philanthropy). Dadamac is very different. We didn't start on the commercial side and then create the foundation. We started with our voluntary work and are now at the start of building our commercial operation (Dadamac Limited). We don't...

Website Progress and Vision

Much of what Dadamac does (and has been doing) is scattered around the Internet. It will gradually connect up with the website: rather like activities in scattered annexes gradually moving into a new main building. Identity and Community Developing a website is a bit like decorating a room, or buying an outfit for a special occasion. It raises questions about identity, about how we see ourselves, what we want other people to recognise about us, and how we want to relate to those people.. Somethings just “are” Dadamac and some things just “aren't” - but what are those things and...

Introducing Dadamac

The Dadamac Team Blog brings updates on who we are, what we are doing, and how you can get involved. We are based in Africa and the UK, and could not exist as Dadamac without the Internet. The Dadamac team in Africa is led by John Dada in Bayan Loco, Kafanchan (a rural location in North Central Nigeria). The UK team is led by Pamela (Pam) McLean in London. Now we are more visible on the Internet and we are setting up online stuctures that will make it easier for new people to join our team.