This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

A typical day in Dadamac

It's 7.45 am here in the UK so I'm a bit earlier that usual starting work, and thinking it might be interesting to make notes through the day.

A "water cooler" moment.

So far I've read a blog comment that Vijay wrote and responded to it. Then I went to check my emails. The chat box was open. It had a one-line message from Vijay - so I wrote a line back and he wrote one to me, and then we both went back to our tasks. it's the virtual equivalent of a smile and a wave, or a momentary exchange of pleasantries with a colleague at the water cooler. For me it was a pleasant way to start the day.. and for him... well he's in Delhi.. so .. maybe a good way to end to his mornings work.

My alarm call

I expect the phone to ring any moment. Nikki - making sure I haven't overslept before she starts her journey to my place!

8.00 Yes - the call

... and she thinks I sound sleepy and perhaps still in bed! Eek - She's right that I'm not dressed yet...

8.45 Quick log in to People's Uni

My first look at the template that Prof Dick Heller has set up at People's ready for our Sickle Cell Disease course development. Also trying to make a start-the-day "cuppa" for Nikki and me before our weekly UK-Nigeria Skype meeting - at 9.00 GMT, 10.00 Nigerian time.

10.45 Meeting over

The tea was ready for the start of the meeting, but too much was happening to get around to drinking it. (Nikki will blog, later in the week, about the meeting.) I'll put the kettle back on when I've done all my follow-up - bits of information to dig out and pass on. Then I should Tweet about the meeting.

12.45 Twitter

I did go to Twitter, but I haven't tweeted yet, as I found stuff that needed following up (including thanking people for some helpful replies). I showed a new link to Nikki - not just for the sake of the content but also to illustrate how I'd found it via #tags and people re-tweeting and so on. That finished up as a "learning together" session. Useful - because one of our meeting topics was about improving our use of Twitter.

As Nikki left she suggested how we might move forward ref People's Uni and Sickle Cell. I'll follow that up now with an email to Dick Heller (in Australia) and Omo (we Skyped yesterday but I didn't ask whether he's in Nigeria or UK just now).

2.00 Lunch break

Ready or not I will stop now for that cuppa and a sarnie.

2.35 Back to the laptop

- and only just over an hour left before I have to go out for some "paid work".

10.15 Podcast

Sent this Tweet: "Listening to day 3 of the week long podcasts from Holy Cross Primary - so glad I chose that instead of radio or TV"

I meant what I wrote. I love Steve Thompson's creative community work - hope he and Barry from Skinningrove will be able to follow through on their hopes of visiting Fantsuam.

Sent appreciative comment to children.
