This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Africa Gathering, Business Fights Poverty, and more

Things are getting very busy here, and it is hard to share it all as much as I would like to do. I hope that (once more of Dadamac's activities have "moved in" to this single online space that is ) life will get simpler and it will be easier for everyone to know what is going on. 

A couple of years ago I hardly ever went to any face to face events connected with my Dadamac interests (back before Dadamac developed out of Cawdnet). I simply worked away online - or went on working holidays to Africa. Now there are so many related activites in London that it is hard to know which to attend (even if you apply my usual rule of - if it's going to cost money then its probably out of my range)

These are the two most recent events:

Yesterday was the final event in a series from the UK Department for International Development, the Overseas Development Institute and Business Action for Africa on ‘Harnessing the power of business for development Impact’

I had been to a couple of the early ones in the series, and wanted to see how it all concluded. I was encouraged by the emphasis on how things are changing, including a shift away from an aid approach towards genuine capacity building through collaboration with local enterprise, some reference to work wiht local communites (instead of only at national/federal governmenta level) and much talk of the need for low carbon soluitons and sustainable development.

Friday and Saturday it was Africa Gathering - list of speakers

I hope to add more details of what went on, who I met, and how it was relevant for Dadaamac - but at least this brief blog gives you a chance to click the links and find out more about the events
