This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Talking Tractors!

The talk was of tractors at this Wednesday’s weekly online meeting between the UK-Nigeria team.

The tractor for Attachab has been much anticipated.Dadamac in the UK first heard about its possible arrival a month or so ago and we were wondering what the delay was. However, we were shocked and disappointed to learn that Fantsuam had in fact been waiting patiently for two years. It appears that Government procedures are delaying the delivery of the tractor. The scheme is meant to provide a new subsidised tractor. Fantsuam needing to pay 40% and the Government to pay 60% of the cost. Fantsuam paid their share in 2009. (The money was a loan from Microfinance )
Apparently some tractors were delivered last year and a nearby organisation received two. It seems that as a NGO rather than a Government sector Fantsuam is sadly a low priority. However, there is possibly a glimmer of hope on the horizon.....last month Fantsuam Foundation received a call from the Director of Cooperatives from the state capital Kaduna to say that their tractor was there! We all wait eagerly for the arrival of the tractor and we hope to show you a photo of it on the website as soon as it is delivered.

Other matters mentioned:
Plans for our First Thursday Monthly meetings: Apologies received from Ladi, John and Frances as they will be organising the 3rd sickle cell screening of this year in a remote community which is a two hour journey away from Fantsuam. Kelechi likely to be going to Abuja. Comfort will be representing Fantsuam.

Witchcraft victim update:

Frances said that she would send us an update about the latest plans for the two brothers who were rescued at the end of 2010. Sadly the staff were unable to locate the girl that they had been concerned about the previous week.