This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

February First Thursday Feedback

Keyhole Garden at Ungwar MasaraToday's First Thursday meeting was a mixture of networking and discussing permaculture. It brought together people from Minciu Sodas, from the Video Bridge workshop and from the Dadamac Community in the UK and Nigeria.

Topics mentioned included the possibility of practicing permaculture on a very small scale, the impact of permaculture, and if it was difficult to practice.

Marcus Simmons was not able to join us, but we shared slideshows that he has prepared to introduce permaculture and mulching

The photo was contributed by John Iruga, from the Dadamac team in Nigeria, who was able to join in our First Thursday chat. John is acting as infomediary, providing feedback to Dadamac about the take-up of permaculture, following Marcus' short time of training.

Everything is now in the hands of local early adopters of the idea. Naturally, over in the UK,  we are keen to see what happens on the ground, and much appreciate the information that John is providing. It is currently the dry season, and the photo shows work on a keyhole garden - an idea which Marcus had included in his training sessions.

People the chatroom (in order of first arrivals from each country) logged in from Austria, UK, Norway, Nigeria and Serbia.

On a networking note, people from the Dadamac team at Fantsuam in Nigeria have only recently started to try to join in First Thursday chat, so it was a happy conincidence that Florence (who used to work) at Fantsuam also joined us today, and met some of the new team there - especially as it is a long time since we have been in contact. Florence, who now works in Lagos, also brought news of meeting my friend Femi Longe, who left London shortly before Christmas to work on a project in Lagos.

The archive of our chat is here
