This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Education and ICT

Hi Pam, Your chat with me this morning set me thinking about ICT. As I told you, I have been toying with the idea of studying further and adding to my knowledge and skills. But it almost seems impossible for me, since most of the online courses (I am not even thinking of proper, offline courses) seem unaffordable, in term of time and money. Some of the best online courses in UK and US cost a bomb for somebody like me in India. This is where I think ICT can play a crucial role in filling the gap for many like me who want to learn even as they earn. And also, importantly, I want to do a course where learning is constant sharing, fun and enlightenment. Structured courses and manuals are not for me. So do you think ICT can change the way we learn? Should we at Dadamac be thinking of it and doing something about it? Vijay

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