This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Issues ref Developing-Country Livestock

Hi Vijay

Given your interest in food security and wider issues surrounding it you may like to see this video about Climate Food and Developing-Country Livestock Farmers ILRI film:

In my mind it connects with John's vision for a model farm development at Attachab Eco-village and why it is important to develop models of good practice and effective ways to share them.

Of course at Fantusam Foudation many initiatives are inter-related, so this is also relevant to the idea Cicely was promoting for helping farmers through the Internet services provided by Zittnet. (You may remember this idea and our excitement around trying to win some serious prize money which I covered in my blog.)

Anyhow - there it is - a video with a big general theme and some links to how it relates locally regarding our friends in Nigeria.


Open Letters: