This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Halfway through a feast

I am included in a wonderful workshop in Vienna - and we are about half way through

The organiser, Franz Nahrada, has laid on such a feast for us - literally and metaphorically.

It is about video-bridging - using the most up to date technology to create video bridges between locations. But of course you do not link locations - you link people. He has done an amazing job here of linking people from such diverse backgrounds and viewpoints - I would like to reflect here on all that is going on - at so many different levels . But for now I simply point to the  video diary for a flavour of the variety of riches he is offering us.

Then I go for breakfast - and a choice between something to do with a webinar and (here in the home of Vienese waltzes) something to do with dancing - no contest as far as I am concerned. Let the music begin.

