This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Wednesday's Meeting Feedback- in brief!

At our Wednesday's UK/Nigeria online meeting, as we routinely tackled the business on the agenda sometimes, I forget our geographical and cultural differences so it was helpful to be reminded of them this week.

As Pam and I were shivering here in the UK, with the threat of snow forecasted, the team in Nigeria told us about the fierce heat that they are currently experiencing (as they wait for the 'rains' to come.)

In fact John is sleeping under the stars at night as the temperature outdoors is more comfortable!

How I envy him... I would gladly swap my 15 tog duvet and central heating. For even if it were summer and warm enough, sadly I would not have felt safe sleeping in the back garden of my terrace house in South London. Plus, what with light pollution, I doubt very much if I would have seen many stars!

So In brief...

This week's one hour online meeting included the following items:

  • Tackling Sickle Cell Disease was a main issue we looked at. Please see my separate blog about this.
  • Establishing three special interest groups,using Dadamac Moodle, namely : Social Media, Appropriate Power and Open source.
  • Permaculture - Discussion about Jathropa and building a press to extract the oil.Plus looking forward to the First Thursday meeting which will be this coming Thursday, 4th March.