This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Learning About Solar Power at India's Barefoot College

Hi Pam, I decided to put up this post since there is an Africa angle to it.

The much-acclaimed Barefoot College in Rajasthan (North India)has been empowering rural men and women by teaching them skills that help them get a livelihood. 

This news link was interesting since it talks about three women from Africa getting trained in making and installing solar lamps.

The news items says: "The three, who have been here for two months, will train another 16 weeks, learning about charge controllers, inverters, core-winding, deciphering of printed circuit boards, testing, wiring, installation, and repair and maintenance of solar panels. After six months of hands-on training, they will return home to install solar units in their villages, dispelling the darkness forever."

The Barefoot College began in 1972 with the belief that “solutions to rural problems lie within the community”. The college, which has bagged many international awards for its innovative approach to empowering poor and rural women, encourages practical knowledge and skills rather than paper qualifications.

It would be good if to find out if Barefoot College would like to invite a few women from FF for training in solar engineering.


