This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

News update from the Wednesday Meeting

This week's online UK-Nigeria meeting include the welcome news from John that Fantsuam Foundation (FF) has been nominated by the World Bank, through USAID, to be a food distribution centre for supplementary nutrion for children under age of 10 in Kafanchan. John went on to explain that FF will be distributing the food to other NGOs to send to their communities. USAID will provide the food and FF will monitor its effect on the children. The UK eagerly awaits seeing the photos of the food being delivered.

Feedback from the various special interest groups (SIGs) was also given:

  • Sickle Cell Disease: A support Group meeting is scheduled at Fantsuam for this Saturday and photos are hopefully to be sent. Last time there were in the region of 100 people so the meeting had been moved to under the mango tree at the Fish Farm.
  • The Social Media group reported that they had had some success with Twitter. Pam arranged to give two follow up Twitter tutorials. For further details please read our Dadamac posterous.
  • The newly formed group for the Blind and Visually Impaired were able to swop details of other organisations such as Website for British Computer association for the Blind and the the Royal National Institute of Blind People For more details of JAWS, software for the visually impaired please refer to the latest blog.
  • Open Source sig Arrangements for a bandwidth management software CD for ZittNet to be sent from the UK to FF were discussed.FF have ordered an Aleutia server which will be sent to the Leeds office in readiness for when a trusted courier is next going to Nigeria. The UK were glad to learn that a trusted contact from Uganda is willing to come to FF to provide capacity building for 2 weeks in July. This support is very much needed and welcomed.

Other matters:

 A member of the team joined us late having just attended a meeting on soya bean research and on value chain we hope to learn of further developments over the coming weeks
