This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Why our Wednesday meetings work!

The weekly Wednesday online meetings are important to the UK and Nigerian teams, providing a quick and easy way to exchange and update information. And this week's proved no exception.

Despite many of the usual team members being absent due to other pressing commitments, the week's past and future business was successfully addressed.

Although it is not unusual for eight people to attend these sessions (sometimes many more!) we can invariably expect a successful outcome - as long as those online include a representative from both the UK and Nigeria who are in possession of the relevant information.

At this meeting Iunderstand there were 4 main attendees, 2 from the UK side and 2 from Nigeria. We find Skype chat very effective because, even though I was among those who unfortunately had to send their apologies this week, I was still able to "catch up" via the archive.
This is particularly useful to the Nigeria team, where often a member needs to 'pop in and out' of the chat as they have unforeseen and urgent business to attend to. For example visitors often arrive unexpectedly at Fantsuam Foundation as do life-threatening crises - for example, children who need protection from witchcraft accusations and, quite often, sudden medical emergencies.

The three main items covered on Wednesday were permaculture, opensource and the development of the Website.

  • Permaculture: There was an update about the 1,000 Jatropha seedlings. Now that the rainy season in Nigeria has arrived they have been transplanted to a farm at Takau which is just a few kilometers from Fantsuam. Sambo and the volunteers are tending them. The team is also looking forward to the arrival of the newly-appointed Cuso/VSO Permaculture specialist and integrated farming adviser at  Fantsuam Foundation. See also Attachab.
  • Opensource: Bala (Manager Zittnet) continues to maintain the stability of the network and it appears that support from India has been offered - so we look forward very much to learning more about this!
  • Website development: CCK means that we are now in the process of devising forms which Fantsuam Staff should be able to fill in easily with requests for support and for giving details about specific projects. The UK is hoping to have the first prototypes ready for feedback to show at next week's meeting.