This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Pam's diary - would it be a good idea?

Nikki's regular blog about our UK-Nigeria meetings is turning into a valuable archive for us. We don't have anythign similar for the UK side of things so I'll try this. It won't be reflective and analytical  - more like bits taken directly from a desk diary - some dates and key activities, links to events I went to (plus bits copied and pasted), and a list of open letters I've written on Dadamac's Posterous. If it proves useful (to others or even just to me) then I'll  keep doing it - if not I'll stop. I might add reflective notes about the actual diary writing process from time to time (as I am doing here) but the general objective is to do something that is fairly quick and easy that will provide an easy reference and overview as time goes by.

The diary

So: May 26th - diary of the last week or so

New Posterous posts:

since my May 16h list of postings to Posterous:

Topic Thursday May 13th - more on bucket (biomass) stoves.
[teaching in the rurals] internet connectivity get more popular (continued)
Dadamac Induction and Invisible Capitalism
Chat with kayiwafred
Mobile learning for development (Ken)
Topic Thursday May 20th - Biomass stoves and irons
Formal education compared to real life-experiences
The go-anywhere cyber cafe in a shipping container
Speaking of ICT and open teaching in Africa...
InfoLadies of Bangladesh revolutionize rural life
Helpers and Re: The go-anywhere cyber cafe in a shipping container
Next Steps: YouDev Community Forum
Online Course: Intro to Community Informatics - and Dadamac Community
Online Course: Intro to Community Informatics - and Dadamac Community (continued)


SHINE - unconference for social entrepreneurs.


YouDev - first forum 18 May, 12:30 to 5 pm:

YouDev is being co-created and piloted in the Tower Hamlets area of East London through dialogue forums with communities, businesses, governments, and civil society groups. Partners include Institute of Development Studies, BRAC UK, Global Giving, Planet Finance, Circle Anglia, Toynbee Hall, NESTA’s 100% Open, Aspire Foundation, the Hub, and Bangladeshi and Somali communities. Similar centres would grow around the world, with a second aim of channeling ideas, skills and investment from diaspora.


Seminar Why bids fail: Bidding for EU ICT research projects will be going ahead from 12.30pm on Thursday (20 May).....  Senate House South Block (maps and details of Senate House can be found here:

Arranged by Centre for Distance Education, University of London, The Centre for Distance Education is part of the University of London External System


More behind the scenes work with Andy relating to how CCK will make a difference to what becomes visible on - met Andy at the Nebulae space on Thursday, instead of here, as I was between meetings and needed somewhere more central. It was a useful option. 

Some serious thinking about how time is (and should be) divided between the different facets of Dadamac. it's too easy to get sucked into doing the voluntary things (and there are always good reasons for doing that) but we have to take earning money seriously too (especially if I really want to end what remains of my other "day jobs").

Following what I learned at SHINE, marketing related activities should become increasingly visible in the diary in future.
