This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Students at the Community Communication Center

The Community Communication Centre (CCC) at Fantsuam Foundation has once again come in for some richly-deserved recognition.

The centre was funded by the Nigerian Government and, at the end of May, was the subject of an inspection by visitors from the Nigerian Communications Commission (the country's regulator of Communications). On their previous visit, the inspectors had hailed the CCC as "a Flagship.

This time, an external technical expert was sent to conduct an objective assessment of the CCC. The inspector said he had visited 27 such centres and that none came close to the FF's.

Our online meeting on Wednesday 25th May saw some debate as to whether his final rating was 94 per cent or a startling 98 per cent. We eagerly await the final report for confirmation!

We were told the inspector was particularly impressed that so much was going on within FF - and by the amount of work the Foundation has put in to get the CCC to its current state.

The inspector asked FF to make new signboards, which they did. And we look forward to seeing photos of these shortly.
