This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Radio Panelist UN Sickle Cell Awareness Day

John has just sent me an update and a photo about the UN Sickle Cell awareness day that he and Fantsuam Foundation organised.

John tells that:
"We had a radio panel discussion yesterday (18th) and the feedbacks we got were very encouraging.

The TV Panel discussion was recorded in open air. We had two genetic counsellors, two parents and a sickle cell patient on the panel to share experiences and raise awareness about tomorrow's event.

Her Excellency, wife of the Kaduna State Governor, has agreed to attend the event, so our village will see an overflow of city folks tomorrow. The two targets of tomorrow are the screening of at least 500 children and the opening of our sickle cell clinic."

Please see the previous blog about this momentous event and the link to the photo at the bottom of the page.