This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Tables for the Knowledge Resource Centre

Tables for the KRC
Originally uploaded by Dadamac Community

Wednesday's weekly online meeting was a timely and informative affair this week. The Nigerian team were able to introduce Ladi, the newly appointed Knowledge Resource Centre officer to the UK team. Kelechi, the Director of the Fantsuam Academy is currently responsible for her orientation and training and appears to be doing a formidable job and left with Ladi after the meeting to continue with her induction.

Much of the hour was spent learning more about the planned UN Sickle Cell awareness day. The UK shared with the team the press release which had been prepared.
John informed us all that he is preparing for another meeting with the nurse counsellors who will be working with the children before they are tested on Friday.
He went on to say:
"I will meet with the radio panelists and share a few thoughts with them before they go on air. We have a parent, a nurse, an SC patient, a teacher on the discussion panel. It's a technical discussions, just folks saying how they feel, how they cope, who helps them, what additional resources they wish they could get, etc"

The UK were also given an update about Fantsuam's outreach work. Fantsuam has built on its longstanding relationship with St Joseph Catholic church in Kagoro and has for the last year been able to to provide basic computer training to their youths. We understand that the gender ratio is 50:50.

Other Matters Arising:

  • John said that he had just had a visit from an Esspin officer
  • We learned that the connectivity problems had now been resolved for the last week. The Fantsuam website should be available again soon.
  • ICTD 2010: Pam still hopeful that this will be an opportunity to raise the profile of academic-practitioner collaborations.