This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Sickle Cell Screening reaches 2,215 children and increasing!

The UK and Nigeria teams were able to exchange information via their usual typed skype meeting.

John Dada, although unable to attend personally this week, emailed us with the following exciting update about Fantsuam Foundation’s real contribution in combating Sickle Cell Disease. As part of the Cohort Pilot Study he gave us the following latest statistics: So far he has successfully managed to screen 2,215 children for Sickle Cell disease. In addition to those screened on the UN Sickle Cell Awareness Day in June and those screened in Gwantu, an additional 630 children have recently been screened in Manchok and the team plans to be in Attakar on Thursday 15th and in Kagoro today. John’s target is to screen 6,000 children. Photos of these various screenings are hopefully ‘in the pipeline’ to the UK.

Bala, the Manager of Zittnet came briefly online to inform us that there is a new office in Madakiya that they were trying to get them connected to ZittNet and that he was currently making some changes to the equipment on the mast. (I understand from Twitter that this was successfully completed that evening)

The UK heard the latest news about the photo course which is held also held at the weekend too. John, one of the instructors, told us that the students will hopefully learn to send photos using skype and as an email attachment. Currently the course is delivering basics like editing, resizing, blending, and adjusting colors and contrast. A new server sent from the UK has arrived in Lagos, and is awaiting delivery to Fantsuam. The server will be used by FF in order to set up their MIFOS information system. MIFOS being an initiative of the Grameen Foundation and the financial software that it produce for the microfinance industry.