This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

New Year–New Approaches.

2011 and I'm experimenting with writing a blog for dadamac – about once a week.

Last week started late at Dadamac because of the New Year holiday.

Spring cleaning our admin

I'm doing things slightly differently with our administration this year–so a bit of “spring cleaning” is underway. It'll take a few weeks to see how the new approach shapes up -  Dadamac is constantly reshaping itself as different things emerge. I'm encouraged that “emergence” seemed to be one of the key words at ICTD 2010. Another keyword was “openness”– and I hope this weekly blog will contribute to Dadamac's open-ness (as Nikki's does), sharing even more of our thoughts and vision as we go along.

Regular meeting. Pattern language.

On Wednesday we got back into the swing of things with our weekly Dadamac UK Nigeria meeting. On Thursday I discovered shepherding notes waiting for me on my pattern language project. I put some time into that on Friday

Dadamac Learners

I got involved in a couple of things over the weekend. On Saturday it was “Dadamac Learners”. I have been struggling, since ICTD 2010, to “explain myself” in educational terms. I'm not a registered student anywhere, and I'm not a professor or lecturer or anything like that. However I know that (through my work with Dadamac) I do know useful stuff about “ICT4D” and  “ICT and educational systems” and other related areas. On Saturday I coined the term “Dadamac Learner” to describe myself, and others like me, and wrote it up on posterous:

Learning without Frontiers

On Sunday I spent a few hours at the Learning without Frontiers  "Sunday Service"

There I discovered the term “ edupunk” from Steve Wheeler at a session on hacking education. I don't usually “tick all the boxes” for anything but the “edupunk” list seemed a remarkably good fit.

Two new identities for 2011, and some spring cleaning, an encouraging start.