This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

A fortnight flew by

The last couple of weeks have flown by - School of Everything Unplugged, Global net events, Co-working at the Clouds , a couple of mind-stretching eveings and mornings with David Pinto, two long meetings and several phone calls with Mobin Rafiq, and my first ever face to face meeting with Olalekan Lawal  after many years of e-contact.

The real deadline for the pattern language book is also looming so I have been putting time into my contribution. I hope I have learnt enough about patterns in the shepherding process for my two pattersn and a case story  to be properlay structured now. I feel that if I could get my head around pattern language more then it would help me. Maybe it would make it easier for me to  explain how my (apparantly diverse) interests are really closely related.

The dadamac learners group on posterous is gradually starting to emerge . I am realising that I want to include people who are giving me information - helping me to learn things - ,even if they would not see themselves as co-learners. Maybe I should have called it the learning (rather than learners) group. I haven't had time to invite all those poepel yet, nor to explian to them about it, I guess it will slowly become obvious as it happens.