This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Fantsuam News

The UK-Nigeria meeting enabled an hour of information exchange with the arrangement that more updates were to follow during the week.

John informed us that he is still waiting for the government to enable the delivery of the tractor. Furthermore, the arrival of the ‘Bamboo builders’ was delayed because of the need to find a convenient house for them near to Attachab. We were told that a house had been found and following some renovations should be available at end of the week. Reubens, the supervisor will arrive on Saturday, and the bamboo should arrive by Monday.

The worrying spectre of Climate Change raised its head at this weeks meeting. We learned from John that the vital rains have been coming later and lasting for longer. The local implications being that crops are failing, grain prices are rising, and there will be a detrimental knock-on effect on nutrition.
We also heard that the area has already had a brief rain which was very early and of no use to plant crops so there is real local concern.
Sickle Cell:
John informed us that Michigan State Uni has requested that he sends in the budget for staff for the laboratory. He also said that Fantsuam Foundation is eagerly awaiting the shipment of some lab equipment.

The Community Health Committees were asked to undertake a disability audit of their communities before the end of this month. John explained that they have designed a form for the door to door collection of information.

Information Sent to Dadamac UK following the meeting:

Report update about the ESSPIN project

Eyewitness report about the Sickle Cell screening starting up again

Report of about the opening of the new HIV Clinic