This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Networks within networks

I am very aware at present of the networks I am part of, how they are relating to each other, how to best enable our networking online, etc -  I think of the dadamac commuity, its core groups, its wider network, the other networks I belong in, the overlaps between them and so on.


Today (Monday 28th February) I have a Skype chat with Randy Fisher, exploring Dadamac in the context of iCentro


Tomorrow is my first meeting as a fully paid-up RSA fellow–a meeting to meet other new fellows in London.


Wednesday is our regular UK Nigeria team meeting (I may not be able to get to School of Everything Unplugged afterwards this week).

First Thursday

Thursday, March 3rd, our regular monthly Dadamac open meeting, an opportunity to invite various people to network with members of the core team. We are looking forward to welcoming Ben Carson of Think Africa Press.

Networking through

In the afternoon Andy will be around  - and he'll probably be wondering how far I have got with trying out some of the extra features he's added recently for me on We worked on them last week so that I could setup the memorial to Maria

Dadamac learners on posterous

I've been chatting to David Mutua about ways that Dadamac can help him to raise the visibility of his current work. I'm hoping we'll move that discussion over to Dadamac Learners Posterous. I hope it will become a place where we can “rub minds”, learn from each other, and generally offer peer-to-peer support.

Coalition of the willing

This week I must try to spend less time with Coalition of the Willing  (COTW). I see so much in the way of overlapping structures and concerns relating to what the COTW core group is trying to do and things that Dadamac is trying to do. It is tempting to get even more involved than I have been, but this week I must focus on things that are more Dadamac centric, and get back to COTW when the time is right to play a more active role. The techies are busy with a lot of techie things at the moment.

COTW is active in so many spaces – most are familiar to me but some are new (so it is  useful for me to see the benefits of them). COTW is using - e-mail groups, Skype (talking, typing, video, one-to-one, group meetings) etherpads, Better Means, Google spreadsheets, and wikis. They are addressing various issues. There is so much going on, and so much to be learned there - about the different people, and what everyone brings, and how everyone likes to work, how we can best work together, what structures to use, how to prioritise things, how to form appropriate teams, and so on.

Much of last week, especially the weekend, was absorbed by Coalition of the Willing interactions, or consideration about their work and the right kind of effective, mutually helpful, collaboration between the networks of COTW and Dadamac.

Dadamac's posterous

For a further look backwards over the week see the digest from Dadamac's Posterous - Week 8: February 19th - 25th 2011 from dadamac's posterous        


So - this week, as usual,  I won't just be thinking about content, or about particular people and projects - but about networking itself, and about networks within, and across, oher networks.