This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Road Accident claims 26 lives in Kenya.

Dadamac's condolences go to David Mutua and his community who sent us this email.

"It's a sad week in my village in Kawethei, Kangundo Kenya. 26 family and relatives, neighbors and friends died and many are going through a painfull and tough time due to injuries sustained over the weekend through the worst road accident of the year in Kenya. Thanks to the Kenyan Government for offering
support for funeral and hospital expenses, we appreciate very much.
We are requesting for prayers and soon CALD -  through our facebook group the Kawethei Community Development Network will be working with people on the ground, family members, friends and friends of Kawethei people to setup a mid term and probably long term support system to those families that were affected.
I know what it feels like when government, friends and family support the short term and leave you, that's when reality sinks. Life is not same anymore. I am the first born and I lost both my parents in 1995.

May the almight God Rest the souls of those left us in eternal peace, give the hand of the Holy spirit for quick recovery for the injured and endurance forthose that were left behind".

For additional information about the accident please see this video by KenyancitizenTV.

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