This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Youths as Peer Educators to stop spread of HIV/ AIDS in Kafanchan

John Dada informed us that: "UNICEF in collaboration with Fantsuam Foundation and the National Youth Service Corps organized a 5-day Peer Education in August 2011 for 120  school youths from the Zipak, Bayanloco, and Ungwa Masara communities. Fantsuam staff members  Emmanuel Katung and Julius Joseph were facilitators.

The workshop trained the youths on the dangers and prevalence of the HIV/AIDS in the target communities and covered the following topics

a.      Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Gender Based Violence

b.      Reproductive Health and Personal Hygiene

c.      Types of sexual Relationships

d.      Negotiation assertiveness and sexuality

e.      STIs, HIV and AIDS

These newly trained peer educators will work under Fantsuam supervision for the next 12 months during which time, each of them is required to train 6 other youths.

This training follows on an earlier capacity building training that Fantsuam Foundation staff had attended in Zaria from 29th Nov to 01st Dec, 2010. At this training the team were taken through the development of communication strategy for HIV/AIDS targeting Out of School Youths, OSY. The Fantsuam team that attended this training comprised Julius Joseph, Musa Kajang and Nicholas Eyomu. The emphasis was on Minimum Prevention Package (MPP) that would convey  positive messages through Drama, Sports, Radio programs, IEC materials, and Games. The team on their return undertook a baseline survey of the target communities.

The outreach to Out-of-School Youths is helping Fantsuam Foundation to achieve one its goals of addressing issues of poverty among excluded and disadvantaged populations".

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