This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Dadamac meetups and collaboration communities

Dadamac is breaking out from its viirtual home in the cloud and setting up some face-to face meetings in London.

Dadamac face-to-face

We have set up a Dadamac meetup group. This means we'll be able to explore some of our ideas and concerns face to face with people - and perhaps find people who want to take practical actions with us as well.

Collaboration and Dadamac

Dadamac is based on collaboration. Until now our collaboration has been online, mostly UK-Nigeria but elsewhere too.  Now we're starting to build opportunites for face-to-face collaboration here in the UK.

At Dadamac UK we believe there are strong reasons to anticipate that in future there will be a shifting emphasis away from individualism and competion, moving instead towards community and collaboration.

Good arguements can be made for this probable trend - but arguements aside I happen to to like doing things collaboratively  - so even if collaboration isn't the main trend it's the way I'll be trying to go.

Our first meetup

Our first meetup is called "Stronger together - exploring the changing world of work" and is on Thursday October 20th

This meet up is mainly for people who (through choice or necessity) are looking at the changing world of work in a practical way (but is also for those with a more general interest in change). It is for people who are interested in alternatives to the traditional models of employment, self-employment, or unemployment.

The session will be participative.There will be opportunities to reflect on personal experiences and we will be building on our shared knowledge and experiences - but it will not be intrusive (no pressure to share personal details).

If people have overlapping interests then we may start to create collaborative groups, plan some possible routes to explore and seek resources to help us on our way. There will also be opportunities for informal networking.

More details at

There will be no charge for attending the meetup.

Dadamac collaboration communities

Creating "Dadamac collaboration communities" is part of our vision for change, and we hope that we'll get some initial feedback on the idea, when we are chatting informally with people after the meetup.

We hope to help people to create local collaboration communities and link these communites with each other online. We've got some clear idea of how it could work - who would be involved, how and why etc - but we won't be imposing our ideas. We'll let the details emerge over time in typical Dadamac style. In the end it will all depend on who gets invovled and what their interests are.

Dadamac workshops

We're also launching some workshops (which we will be charging for).  They'll explore some of the same ideas as the November meetup but will be designed for more tightly defined groups. This means they will be more specifically targettet, dealing with appropriate areas in greater depth. We hope some of the people leaving the workshops will also see the benefits of some kind of connection with our collaboration communities.


Nikki and I  look forward to leaving our laptops more often, getting to know more people here in the UK whose interests overlap ours, and also seeing the gradual emergence of the first "Dadamac Collaboration Communities".