This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Updates from Fantsuam

At this week’s UK-Nigeria meeting John Dada of Fantsuam Foundation told us that he had had a phone interview with KIVA. John went on to explain that KIVA is seeking partners who use local solutions to provide access to microfinance. They have 3 levels of intervention: above 2 million, above 200,00 and 20,000 USD - the smallest amount being the most appropriate for Fantsuam’s needs.

John reported that KIVA have not been active in Nigeria, but that Fantsuam have been following them up for about 5 years now and a recent visitor to Fantsuam from Dublin offered to re-introduce them...hence the phone call.

In fact Pamela Mclean had introduced Tunde Adegbola, to Fanstuam, a few years ago and Tunde has recently visited John again together with this visitor from Dublin. The two visitors are involved in translation work. The Dublin team runs a volunteer translation outfit online.

We were pleased to learn from John that Health clinic extension had now been completed.
John added:
“With completion of the extension, I will be going to see the Local Govt Health Office for support for the following programs: Maternal & Child Health, Preschool Services, Home Based Care, Referrals from main hospitals for primary care in HIV and TB, Mobile Health Services and Malaria prevention. Those health services can be provided free of charge or at reduced costs if the Local Government will support us: that is what they are supposed to do, but then the challenges here can be many........”
If we are to provide these services, the Local Government will support our staff numbers so we can run a 24/7 service. At moment we have 3 staff at the clinic”.

John also told us that “Shinggu is in Kaduna to sign a new MOU with ESSPIN for a roll-out to more communities, while Markus is in Kachia attending a lesson sharing session with the 3 Health Centres we have been working with. So its me and the accountant holding fort at FF today!”
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