This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

FastTractor Update

During our weekly UK-Nigeria online meeting John Dada informed us in that :

"Sixteen youths were needed to help offload the implements from the trailer of the FastTractor. This has now freed the trailer to be used for other farm work such as bringing home farm produce. This is expected to start in the next two weeks. Some clients have come to request to have the tractor fetch some building sands from river banks and the driver will start that next week".

This photo shows us John Dada at the wheel of the tractor and the gentleman standing by the tractor is Linus Kallat the official FastTractor driver.

Linus has an assistant Thomas. Thomas already works at Attachab and will double up as assistant.

Unfortunately, the heavy rains have delayed the full utilisation of the tractor. Now that August is here John is hoping that the ground will soon be suitable for the tractor. He informed us this morning:

" The team have also been anxious to see the tractor make some earning and Shinggu and Markus plan to do some farm surveys and take work orders this weekend".

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