This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Unexpected but welcomed funds

John Dada received new funding from the Small Grant of the Global Environmental Fund (GEF) to provide training on climate mitigation at the rural levels. As it was a grant that was approved over a year ago Fantsuam Foundation had despaired of it ever coming, but it arrived last week.
John reported that already Fantsuam has lept into action:

“A new training course will start at Attachab next week: Erosion prevention and control
Markus has gone to town with Thomas to purchase concrete rings which we will use to build a small bridge to the Attachab road. Community members will be invited to see the work and understand what we are doing to control water run-offs and channel it. We are recruiting some of the community members to become Agric Volunteers, who will learn the skills at Attachab and share with their neighbours. One of the training we hope to provide at Attachab is basic tractor care and maintenance, at some stage.
What we are doing is a simple culvert/ small bridge for diversion and control of surface water run-offs. We are also installing drain pipes at the roof of the Attachab classroom for rainwater harvesting. This is the last month of heavy rains, so it is the appropriate time for these trainings to start.”

John informed us that they will limit the class to not more than 20 but that the need and interest is great and if he was lax about the numbers there could be 200!

At the start of this week’s UK-Nigeria online meeting John informed us that the FastTractor had just came returned from working in the fields. The tractor had been doing some harrowing for farmers who wanted to plant beniseed. The tractor was now back parked at the fish farm. John also shared with us the news that they have employed a third tractor driver as there were difficulties with the initial appointments. Luckily, the tractor assistant, Thomas, has been a a consistent staff member probably because he is also on the staff of Attachab.

John was able us the latest update from Linus who as part of the recycling plastic pilot project is currently in London:
Linus emailed:

“ It has been quite eventful here at the City University London. This first 2 weeks has been so loaded with activities. According to the program schedule as prepared by the coordinator Ron Dennis, the first 2 weeks has been for my interaction with the research students from Imperial College and those from the City University both of London and the Developing technologies workers. They have been so receptive.
I have been studying their research reports. They have good knowledge of Africa and Nigeria, all of the reports I have read are targeted at solving the plastic waste problem facing the developing countries. Developing Technologies and the students have work intensively on plastic recycling and machine models have been designed and constructed and most of them are being reviewed for better finished products. I am sure that at the end of this exercise we shall come up with a Nigerian version that will be suitable to our situation.
The next few weeks shall be for further research and development of recycling processes including modelling of the proposed products for from the basic tile.”

Thursday was also the first Thursday of the month and the first Thursday meeting can be viewed at this etherpad

The photo above shows dry season farming at Attachab

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