This week I thought that I would give an insight into the 'nuts and bolts' of our weekly meetings. Below is an example of a typical agenda which we use for these meetings. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of what we cover in an hour.
The photo was sent in by Fola the Manager of the Dadamac Outpost in Ago-Are.
Agenda THURSDAY UK-Nigeria Meeting
Skype Typed meeting 10:00-11:00
1. Meet and Greet:
2. Fantsuam Foundation:
General news and catch up
DEVTECH and review of project and next steps Feedback from Linus now he is back in Nigeria?
FF & supporting and planning for the future..building a legacy.Looking at John's 2013 objective:
i.Re-organizing microfinance to become more savings-led, so that clients save for life cycle events such as Eid, Xmas, weddings, Graduation, School fees, etc
ii. Helping low income people to manage their money and build a useful lump sum
iii. Miro-insurance as a new product for our clients. The aftermath of the Kaf crisies shows that some form of insurance could have helped in the reconstruction/ Recovery period. Most people have no insurance
iv. Develop Full implementation Plan for Attachab's various services: Fisheries, Piggery, Goats and Sheep, Orchard, Medicinal Plants, Yam mini-setts, Bee-keeping, Dry season Farming, Climate mitigation practices (drainage, rain water collection etc) and all of these underpinned by Training of the host communities
v. Review FF web site: Any further thoughts about this?
vi. Reorganize KRC
vii. Establish weekly Eye Clinic
viii. Fantsuam Diabetes Clinic,
ix. Kafanchan market toilets - Pay-As-You-Use
3. Global sharing day: Wednesday 14th November 2012
4. Fast Tractor:
5. Ago-Are information Centre: Any news from Fola this week?
6. Dadamac Day this week: Thursday November 1st
7. Any Other Business: