Market toilets
At the meeting on Tuesday John told us about the latest progress in providing pay-as-you-go toilets in the new market in Kafanchan. Pam described in her earler blog the Sulabh toilets in India which have many environmetal advantages. These will be the model for the ones in the market in Kafanchan-developed after the old market was burned down during the tragic religious violence of a few years ago.
Bako and John went to visit the Local Government Chairman and Chief who gave their support to the project and its planning approval. Bako has been working in the US but now has his own organisation in Kaduna. He is very excited by the project and facilitated the funding of three of the toilets by the US Embassy which has previously funded a number of Fantsuam projects including the new health centre. The other three toilets will be funded by the Kitchen Table Trust. Bako, like many other supporters of Fantsuam, is generously giving his help as a volunteer.
The Local Government Chairman is not only supporting this project but hopes it will be replicated in different locations. John is hoping the building of the toilets will be completed by the end of February.
Fantsuam will manage the toilets once they have been completed. This will include the staffing and cleaning and also the management of the bio-gas- the by-product!
John is looking for anyone who can help with expertise into the generation and use of bio-gas. His top priority would be to provide security lighting fo the market.
Future of Dadamac
At Tuesdays meeting we also discussed where Dadamac is now and in what direction it is going. This discussion was trigerred by Nikki moving to a different venture although still retaining her interest and support for Dadamac. I have always been amazed at Nikki's ability to understand and even visualise what goes on at Fantsuam even though she has never visited Nigeria. But this leaves Pam desperately in need of help and support in pursuing Dadamac's aim to promote effective collaboration between the 'outsiders' and the 'grassroots'. She wants to make the work of Fantsuam and other projects more visible through Dadamac. She colourfully describes it as 'picnicing on the patio' hoping that others will want 'to eat with us, as we have such a feast of information'.
If anyone can give support or can fund that support Dadamac would be very grateful.