This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Fresh Fish and Green Veg!

Learn about the rich green vegetable called 'ugwu' and the fresh fish in a  barrel in the Fantsuam headquarters!

Earth ponds and fresh fish

Attachab, the piece of land about 15km from the Fantsuam headquarters near Kafanchan, is beginning to develop as an example of permaculture principles. One of these principles is the 'development of self contained horticultural systems modelled from natural ecosytems'. John told us at the meeting on Tuesday about the completion of two new earth ponds which had been dug at Attachab ready to be stocked with eight week old fish. The earth was dredged by hand using  shovels, axes and local tools. This provided work for ten young men over three days. One of the young men has a diploma from a fisheries institute while another used to work at a fish farm in Kaduna, the state capital.They were fuelled in their work by gari (dried cassava) soaked in water, and groudnuts. 

Once the ponds are stocked with the juvenile fish, they will be kept for a further eight weeks before 'harvesting'. A previous 'catch' from existing ponds proved very popular and was sold to staff and their families from Fantsuam Foundation and other visitors and users of the project. A few fish are still left, kept alive in a large tub in the Fantsuam compound ready for someone's meal. Fresh fish are of course highly valued and an excellent source of nutrition

Green Veg

Alongside the fish, another treat is ugwu, a plant similar to spinach, very rich and nutritious. These vegetables among others are grown at the farm at Attachab and fertilised by the effluent from the fish ponds, so they are green and healthy. Also available from the farm at the moment are plantain and bananas. 'Very delicious" said Filo when she joined the meeting on Tuesday. The farm supervisor, Toma, is responsible for the planting and harvesting of crops while Comfort does the record keeping.


Young people have been provided with work-and the fish have 'fed' the vegetables so that both provide good food to local people.

Bon Appetit!

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