This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

World Health Day at Fantsuam, Nigeria

The following report is written by their Founder/Director John Dada.

The elderly care program of Fantsuam Foundation, known as KAKAS (grandmothers) was initiated about 6 years ago to support grandmothers who were taking care of their orphaned grandchildren. The service now supports 126 grandmothers with a monthly stipend, free medical treatment, nutritional care and home-based care.

On April 07th 2013, 48 Kakas met at Fantsuam Foundation farm to mark the World Health Day. The theme of Hypertension was particularly relevant for the group: the host community for this service records and average of a new stroke every three months. The highlight of the day’s program were the brief explanation of causes and care of hypertension in the elderly, followed by a spirited discussion led by Mrs Boko on local wisdom and natural remedies. A drink of Zobo (Sorel) was served as refreshment. All the Kakas who attended had their blood pressure taken by the health staff and those who had treatable ailments were provided with free treatment at the Fantsuam clinic.

The Kakas decided that a letter should be written to the Governor of Kaduna State highlighting the plight of the growing elderly population of the State. The lack of a dedicated geriatric service at the state hospitals and the need for home-based care and a monthly maintenance allowance are issues that are raised of concern to them. This photo (to be added shortly) shows one of the Kakas giving a vote of thanks to Fantsuam Foundation at the end of the event.

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