This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Trivia - 2013-04-26

A friend is influencing me to bring more of myself to my writing. He suggests I should use Tumblr and write "to myself" - in a more "unthought out"' way than I usually write. I want to show him that I appreciate his opinion and suggestions, but I'm rubbish at moving into new online spaces, so I'll stay here for now.

What should I write

(hmm - he'll pick me up on my use of the word 'should")

"Should" - that reminds me of a conversation yesterday

(I'm not going to say who my conversations are with - I don't want to stop anyone from talking to me because they fear I'll share what they say - this writing is supposed...

(oops  "supposed" - another instructional word) 

hmm brackets within brackets - I''ll experiment with indents instead

The "should" conversation yesterday was about "target setting and use of time" or alternatively "just doing stuff".

it was phrased rather more formally

The connection - ref "should" related to the voices in our heads telling us what we should/could/must/can't etc be doing.

I'd had another conversation a few days earlier with a friend about how we talk to ourselves - and how we would never dream of talking to other people so harshly all the time - that our inner conversation is all scolding and telling ourselves how stupid and useless we are.... and that probably... thinking about it ... this is not helpful. It's not helpful to us as listeners to ourselves. It's probably eqully poisonous to ourselves as the people who are saying this stuff to ourselves as well. We came to the shared conclusion that no-one should be that horrid to anyone.

Hmm - memories of a friend who - on hearing filthy language come out of a mouth would query if the speaker was going to put food in that filthy mouth - can't remember her pithy phrase

This probably makes no sense to anyone but me. That's okay. This was only to me.

I was going to share something I read today - On Singing a Better Song - but I've set myself a time limit to this "stuff/trivia/journal/thinking aloud".

end of the experiment

for today

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