This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Sheep and Goats - and pigs too

Sheep and goats

DFID in the UK is supporting smallholders who rear sheep and goats, to improve their herd size and health. This support is being channeled through the Kaduna State Commercial Agriculture Development Association and from there to the local Jema’a Commercial Agriculture Development Association (JECADA) of which Fantsuam Foundation is a member. JECADA’s members include 25 women sheep and goat farmers who will be accessing the DFID support. This comes as a package of training and access to inputs such as feeds, veterinary care, improved stock and markets.

And pigs too!

This programme complements Fantsuam's support for smallholders who rear pigs. Fantsuam Foundation has developed links with the National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) in order to obtain improved breeds, training and other inputs. Kafanchan where Fantsuam Foundation is located hosts the largest pig market in West Africa and it depends solely on smallholder farmers. 

Support for small holders

Agriculture in Nigeria is seen by some as a business which should be developed to create wealth for the country generally but it is important that any ‘aid’ and additional support should be directed to the small holders who make up the majority of farmers in Nigeria, and their families and communities, rather than the large scale farmers.

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