This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Response to "A Theory of Community Formation"

Much of what I do relates to communities and what enables the people in them to collaborate effectively so I was very pleased to disccover A Theory of Community Formation.and responded in the comments box - copied here:

The response 

Thank you for this. I appreciate your insights and hope to think about them more deeply, and ideally to explore them further with you.

My interest in this topic includes several experiences of emerging communities, most of them ongoing.

One is the gradual emergence, since approximately 2000, of what I now refer to as the Dadamac (online) community, You can dip into some of its interests and activities at

Others are various communities / groups within the Dadamac community.

The last one is a community that at present exists as a community only in my mind (a potential community as you say). It consists of people I know, some of whom know each other. So it has the elements you mention -  emergence, individuals are the component parts, and there are connections or overlaps between the individuals (for instance some of them know each other as well as knowing me, some know that I put them in the category of my "crazy-sane" friends. See Celebrating my crazy-sane friends and contacts

This is not the place to match my experiences and thoughts with every point in your post, so I will end by simply explaining something about the community "in my mind" which I see developing.

It is a community which I want to help accelerate in its development and its recognition of itself as a community, for reasons I can explain some other time.  It is a community that I see as being made up of "explorers and pioneers" in what I describe as the "Landscape of Change" - ie people with vision who are "going ahead of the crowd" in our precarious and uncertain present and future. See Explorers Emerging in Landscape of Change

Most of the things I do are a continual dance between theory and practice - a mixture of learning by doing and then reflecting on what I'm doing and learning. I'm delighted to have come across your work and would very much appreciate your help and collaboration in combining a theoretical context with the practical work I'm doing related to emerging communities.

Thank you for your thinking and your Theory of Community Formation

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