This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

First hoist for patients at Fantsuam

John Dada writes from Fantsuam:

African Palliative Care funds a manual hoist for Fantsuam's clients

Among its many services Fantsuam Foundation offers home-based care to clients, many of whom require professional moving and handling skills. The need for a manual hoist became pressing for the Fantsuam home-based care teams as the population of its older clients increased and with greater numbers of people physically disabled by road traffic accidents, especially those involving the ubiquitous motor cycle taxis (Okada). The cost of such equipment was clearly beyond Fantsuam Foundation and its purchase has been made possible through the support of the African Palliative Care Association (APCA)     small grants program.

Fantsuam Foundation finally took delivery of its own manual Oxford hoist in August, 2013. This is the first and only hoist available in the entire area and we expect it will be invaluable as a teaching aid in the three healthcare training institutions in Kafanchan as well as meeting its primary objective of making the Fantsuam home-based care service safer and more efficient.

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