This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

The daily internet challenge at Fantsuam

What a difference a place makes.

When John was in the UK some time ago, he told me that he had managed to write about seven proposals in a few weeks. In contrast the work would take weeks or months if he was working in Fantsuam in Nigeria.

It is easy to take for granted, in places where there is more or less uninterrupted electricity supply and internet access, how great is the challenge to get even the simplest things done. In Kafanchan there is rarely electricity and it is of low or fluctuating voltage which damages  equipment.

In addition, at the moment, the only internet access is via a smart phone as the Nigerian government’s provision of connectivity has ceased after five years. Air-time on the internet via a smart phone is limited due to the high cost paid to the mobile phone company and the batteries also frequently need recharging. It is quite a chore to try and submit a proposal for funding on the small screen of a smart phone and it is difficult to down load attachments. Completing forms online and meeting deadlines is an almost impossible challenge. Browsing on the internet to find new information and new opportunities for funding is a luxury out of reach of Fantsuam. And to make matters worse, the weather is so hot at the moment!

A plea to funders and other partners.

Funding bodies and other partners, based in places where life is so much easier to manage need to be aware of the challenges that workers ‘on the ground’ face.

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