This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Dadamac Connect Update "2014-09-17"

Dadamac Connect believes in doing things in the public domain as much as possible. So here goes with my personal "Connections" update - in no particular order. It will be what comes to mind first (knowing that some good stuff will get left out and that I don't have time to put in live links).


Nikki and I are working on making our ideas about Dadamac Connect become real. See our tweets #dadamac for odds and ends of progress - not just for Dadamac Connect but for Dadamac Foundation (which I connect with on a deep level - it's my unpaid "passion" work) and the wider Dadamac community (which influenced our decision to start providing the services of Dadamac Connect).

Dadamac Connect's First  Founder Member

The most exciting connection for me this week was with our first Dadamac Connect founder member - William Dyer

We met yesterday at Hub Westminster in the DIY kitchen (one of my favourite regular haunts for meeting new and interesting people). He kindly agreed to give me some feedback on the first ideas for the Dadamac Connect logo. Of course that led to more information about Dadamac Connect. 

Simplest starting points include that it's a new social business and it's a membership organisation.

Emboldened by a recent challenge to "Get rejected more often" I told William that, if he had £10 on him, he could become our very first founder member - and he did.

You can follow William on twitter @WilliamDyer - where his profile says: Programme Manager , Brunel graduate, learning Japanese and fan of all new music.

Once Dadamac Connect has a logo we can print some membership cards. So William has is a handwritten receipt and a warm welcome. As a founder member he can influence the direction of Dadamac Connect (beyond the design of the logo) and his interests will help to shape our decisions on the benefits we offer members. We'll also peg the price of membership renewal next year - and possibly longer - for our first fifty members.  


I'm connecting with...

My connections and active communications over the past few days have included:

The Startup Tribe (I've joined) - I'm also interested in Escape the City and the start-up MBA (I'm booked on it for this weekend). There's a related open afternoon on Friday (but I can't make the party afterwards).

Kabissa - We have enormously complementary interests and I'm delighted to be back in closer contact. Check its forum and current webinar series."

GlobalNet21 and Africa group - see meetups and watch out for our October webinar on "Aid for Trade" - interesting  overlap with the 2015 "upscaled" Dadamac Foundation

GeoVation innovation challenge event - and explored the wikihouse outside (Store Street)

I don't know if I should mention "the usual stuff" but maybe I should:

UK-Nigeria Skype meeting with John Dada

UK-Kenya Skype meeting as part of Avanti work

Was sorry I couldn't get to Africa Gathering last weekend. I've been to most of them (and it's where I made the connection that led to the Avanti work). I admire the energetic and forthright way that MariƩme Jamme leads them.

Lot's more on my mind and upcoming - but this was meant to be short so I'll stop.

How to connect with Dadamac Connect

The contact us form is the best way to connect with Nicola or me (Pamela McLean)