This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Blog posts about ictd

Hand Held Learning and Ago-Are, rural Nigeria.

Folabi (Fola) Sunday teaches in a primary school in rural Nigeria - a motor-cycle ride away from Ago-Are, in Oyo State. He is a Dadamac Self Directed Learner, who keeps in contact with the "connected community" through his phone, and joins in First Thursday chats whenever he can. Fola is currently learning more about ICT and solar energy from Ricardo and Graham (in the UK) and others in Minciu Sodas and Dadamac, through chats and emails. This post gives an introduction to Fola and his current concerns as discussed at the October First Thursday chat. He is working on a...

Meetings: Skype or Yahoo?

When Dadamac started to have regular UK-Nigeria team meetings we used Yahoo. (It was the natural choice, because people in the team already knew Yahoo and had Yahoo IDs.) Then we had problems with the reliability of Yahoo and moved over to Skype instead. (By then some people were using - or trying to use - Skype for transnational voice chats, so the interface was not completely unfamiliar.) This week, when we gathered at our various locations ready for our online session, Skype had a glitch, which seriously interupted the business of the meeting. That glitch prompts this consideration of...
